Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Random And Sometimes Ongoing Ramblings Of Sarcasm Joe - Sarah Palin

Where has our world gone when the governor of Alaska is the vice president to a 72-year-old lying sack of crap? Where has the world gone when a huge hurricane is sweeping the country and the republican presidential candidate isn't trying to do anything about it? Where has the world gone when said hurricane is so bad it comes through Illinois and and I'm stuck in Panera Bread on my school laptop using a proxy to blog right now? The answers to these questions are somewhat unknown but it could be caused by one person: GIGANTOR!!! Wait...I mean SARAH PALIN!!! If you haven't seen her interview with ABC yet, you should. It's like the new Hulk movie (retarded and somewhat illiterate). But last night's SNL made me wish Palin was somewhat smart and attractive. Tina Fey was absolutely perfect as Palin, you couldn't even tell the difference between the two. And McCain? Well he's your new favorite retarded cowboy.

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