Monday, September 22, 2008

We Like Fiction: 11 Short Stories About My Brain - Part I & Titles For II-XI

I'm writing a book. We Like Fiction: 11 Short Stories About My Brain. Here's the first draft of the first story.

The Gravity Fairy: Scientific Irony
There has been some evidence regarding The Gravity Fairy. The Gravity Fairy isn't so much a fragment of our imagination, but a combination of irony and myths. You see, gravity is the force in which things fall. As we know from prior knowledge, fairies usually float in mid-air either by magic or wings. Even though wings help you fly, you don't technically stay in mid-air for long periods of time. If you ever see this fairy, whether it bee on TV, in a movie, or made up by your science teacher, report this instance to your local county sheriff. Now, you're probably asking yourself, "what the hell is a gravity fairy and why is this guy talking about him?" Well, there is a flaw in your question. The Gravity Fairy is neither male or female. The Gravity Fairy is a hermaphroditic dragon who loves Rush and Prince and High School Musical 4: Decapitation Education. It is a known fact that The Gravity Fairy was created by an Italian scientist named Tobor Noisavni. His lab was located directly under the Eiffel Tower, and was about the size of the Caesar's Palace hotel in Las Vegas. He spent most of his days trying to figure out the best cheat codes for all games fourth in its series. Grand Theft Auto IV, Metal Gear Solid IV, Guitar Hero IV, Resident Evil IV, Final Fantasy IV, and his personal favorite, Monkey Shooter 4000 IV. So what was the reason for The Gravity Fairy's creation? Tobor was watching a special called Galileo: The Man Behind The Balls. Tobor thought this special was incredibly misleading, but he watched the rest of it anyway. He learned that gravity was not only his favorite scientific element, but now his favorite word. Even though he had enough information, Tobor wanted to get a different take on it. He went out to Circuit City and bought a CD by Eddukashun, the popular rap group lead by Lil' Leo and MC Squared. The opening track, Forcin' Me To Be Free (Fall), inspired Tobor to create The Gravity Fairy. Tobor may have been an excellent scientist, but he needed some materials to make this creature. He needed a great amount of things: Cough syrup, iodine, lye, matchbook strike pads, muriatric acid paint thinners, hydrogen peroxide, PH strips, PVC pipes, and some fuel cans. He would have bought some imodium, but he felt it wasn't necessary. Tobor brought these materials back to his lab and spent approximately 9 hours, or Q 1/2 minutes, on this project. About 12 minutes after he was finished, The Gravity Fairy emerged from the cloud of smoke rising from the test tube. It started flying around his lab, going absolutely insane. He still has to take out some of the bugs. Tbor was chasing The Gravity Fairy for about 17 seconds before he trapped it in a jar. Angered by his failed hard work, he called up his friend Charlie Jones, also known as DJ Killafoshizza on MTV's Rap-ternoons. Charlie told him that to make sure The Gravity Fairy does not go completely insane again, you must say the "magic words (which happened to be French):" D'neirf L'rig Á Déen Í Edud. After saying these words, it seemed The Gravity Fairy calmed down quite a bit. But that was just the beginning. No one quite knows what happened to Tobor, Charlie, or The Gravity Fairy after that. Some people say that The Gravity Fairy married The Scratch Goblin, a goblin who gives you strange scratch marks in your sleep, and moved to Afcalistan. If you see any of the four characters you just read about, contact 1-234-567-8910 immediately.


II: How To Properly Crucify A Fly Prior To Its Viking Funeral
III: The Sketchy Side Of Town Whose Local Celebrity Is Jesus
IV: Happy Holla-days
V: Retards - A Story By Kurtt Easterplain
VI: RSI: Rhyme Scheme Infestation
VII: The Most Grammatically Correct IM Conversation Ever That Goes Where You Don't Expect It To
VIII: Stoning The Cities
XI: Mechanical Rooster
X: A Good Day For Germany
XI: The Unauthorized Diary Of Bobthaniel Eburstork

Saturday, September 20, 2008

They Tried To Make Me Go To Rehab, Wow How I, Ron, Ic

Will somebody please tell me what the hell is up with Amy Winehouse? She's the ugliest piece of crap I've ever seen, her songs aren't good, she HAS been to rehab, what the hell? Sorry needed to get that off my chest. Now this: Wait-actually, I can't think of anything. Too tired. I'll be more creative later.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Eight Years Later: A Comedic And (Somewhat) Political Project To Stop Going Green And Stop Respecting Republicans

So me and my friends have decided that the worst things about politics are expressed in rap music. Although, that doesn't mean political rap-tivism is good. In this case, we have created Eight Years Later: A Comedic And (Somewhat) Political Project To Stop Going Green And Stop Respecting Republicans. We are called:


THE ATTACKA (my friends)

1. Plane By Plane (Intro)
2. Foreign, Obviously
3. Atlanta, Russia
4. Painless
5. Rapitalism (The Bush Cocktrin)

6. Environ-Mental
7. Save Some Green (Keep Your Money And Hulk Comics)
8. She's Inconveniently Cute
9. Global Boring
10. Reduce, Reuse, Retarded

E PLURIBUS VENOM: Eight Years Later, available somewhere sometime.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

The BAMF House: ACCESS DENIED / The Random And Sometimes Ongoing Ramblings Of Sarcasm Joe - "Lil'" Rappers

DISCLAIMER: If you or you and a friend try to finish and make Jesus Christ's BAMF House into a real movie, you will be, according to Metallica, broken, beaten down, and scarred. Very, very deeply. And now... The Random And Sometimes Ongoing Ramblings Of Sarcasm Joe

At first I thought all rappers were midgets. Then I thought they were just trying to be cool by putting Lil' at the beginning of their name. It worked for Bow Wow when he was young because he was very "lil'." And now he's just Bow Wow. It's the problem I have with Lil' Wayne, Lil' Kim, Lil' Jon, the list goes on. So why do they do this? Do they have little arms? Feet? Little time to come up with something original so they sample other people's songs? According the the Sarcasm Joe Dictionary, a "rapper" has two definitions:

a. a person who talks using rhymes, like a poet, only more vulgar.
b. a midget.

I want there to be a day when someone comes out with this: Masi' Jon or something like that. Although people might misinterpret the abbreviation for that.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

My Artistic Skills Do Not Bore You, But My Movie Scripting Skills Might.

Starting sometime soon, my new comic strip will be available once every 2 weeks to a month on this site. This comic is called, well, "comic." A different funny scenario every week, with sometimes reoccurring character strips such as The Adventures Of Superfail And Sarcasm Joe, Skinny Bob, and some others. The fist strip should be available to you by the end of the month. And also, almost every strip will have a take on McCain or Palin. Sometimes obvious, sometimes hidden. I did write a script for The Adventures Of Superfail And Sarcasm Joe, but it was about 2 pages long, way too long for a comic strip I'll post it tomorrow. So for now, I bring you a script I wrote over the summer. It's a really crappy script called Jesus Christ's BAMF House. I wrote it because I wanted to out-do my friend who was writing a script, and after he finished it, it was a beautiful aprox. 120-page piece of art. This was my follow-up. The worst racially and religiously offensive inappropriate unfinished first draft of:


SCENE ONE: The Happening / Opening Credits

(Blackness. John Crane Voice-Over)

John: What the? Where am I?

(Quick flash to John lying on clouds, "Heaven")

God: Bitch you in Heaven!

John: Wait, are you God?

God: No I'm Gandalf, HELL YEAH I'M GOD!

John: What am I doing here?

God: You walked your drunk ass into the middle of an express way and got hit by an 18 wheeler.


God: Yeah, tragic. Look, are you staying here or do you wanna go back to Earth?

John: I'll take Earth for 500, Alex.

God: Yeah I don't know who the hell Alex is but I'm taking your stupid ass back to Earth. Hold on tight. You might get sent to a hospital after this.

John: Haha you're funny - wait what?

(John screams falling from the sky, face first on the roof of a Wal-Mart)

John: Wal-Mart? Really? Uhh...

(Fade to black: Dramatic music, traditional words flying at the screen)

(Fade up: Cars driving down the street in front of Yodeler's Pub. Into: John, Vicky Masterstein, Eve Adams, and Jake Prutzer)

John: So there I was, laying on clouds, when suddenly I hear this angry black man scrtreaming at me. And guess what? It was God.

Jake: That is one fucked up story dude.

Eve: I had no idea that God was black!

Vicky: I thought he was Jewish.

Jake: Vick, that's just cause you're jewish.

Vicky: No! You racist bastard! Vicky Masterstein might by 73% Israelian, but is 0% Jewish!

John: One, Jake you're a dick. Two, Vicky... I don't even think "Israelian" is a real word.

Vicky: If it's not a real word, then how come I'm 73% it?

Jake: Cause you're a fucking idiot!

Eve: Whoa, whoa, take it easy guys. Look, if Vick says she's 73% Israelian, then she's 73% Israelian. If John says he saw a black God, he saw a black God. If I say I'm a lesbian and at nights I take my dildo out of the closet-

(The rest of the group gives Eve a strange look before she finishes talking)

Eve: Did I say lesbian and at nights I take my dildo out of the closet? I meant idf I say I'm a thespian and at nights I take me scripts out of the closet, then I'm a thespian and at nights I take my scripts out of the closet.

(The group still staring)

Jake: Yeah, whatever Eve. Look, I'm really bored. I'm gonna go get drunk somewhere else.

John: Yeah, I'm gonna go take a nap.

Vicky: I'm gonna go buy some groceries.

Eve: I'm gonna take out my dildo!-

(Now, whole bar is staring)

Eve: Did I say dildo? I meant scripts.

(Eve awkwardly leaves. End of scene one.)

SCENE TWO: A Different Kind Of Change

(Cut to: Close-up: John sleeping. Using the magic of CGI, we zoom into John's head seeing yet another Heaven visit.)

John: Oh God dammit, here again?

God: Well Mr. Crane, I can damn whatever the hell I want.

John: Oh ha ha. Look, why am I here again?

God: I ain't finished with you yet homes. I'm sure you know these guys: Jake, Eve, and Vicky.

John: Guys? What the hell are you doing here?

Jake: Fuck if I know.

God: I brought all of you here today because you four are the chosen ones. You four are the ones who will help me run Heaven. But I am changing all of your names.

Eve: Why the hell would you do that?

God: Cause I'm god and I can do whatever I want. Now, Vicky, your new name is Mary.

Vicky: Mary? Why Mary?

God: I've watched you. You haven't slept with anybody. Eve, your name I'm not changing because I'm just that awesome.

Eve: Bitchin'

Vicky: What?!

God: Shut up little virgin girl. Now for you Jake, your new name is Judas.

Jake: Alright! Fuckin' sweet! Just like Judas Priest! Ooh! Can I be a priest too?

God: Yeah, whatever. Do what you want.

Jake: Ballin'!

God: And for you John, your new name is...Jesus.

John: Like, Jesus Christ? That Jesus?

God: Yes. You are my most important. Now, you all have jobs based on the Greek gods. Vicky, you will be my Aphrodite.

Vicky: Oh, how ironic.

God: Eve, you are my Artemis.

Eve: Wasn't she goddess of the hunt?

God: Hell yayah.

Eve: Oh, Sweet!

God: Jake, you are my Ares.

Jake: Awesome! In one day my name is changed to Judas, I'm the God of War for... well, God, and I find out that Eve is a lesbian!


God: Now John. You are my Dionysus.

John: God of Parties?

God: Oh yes. Your task is to create the greatest dance and party pad H eaven has ever seen.

John: Nice!

God: Okay now, I have set your body clocks to never wake up. That means you'll be staying here for a while. Now, get some rest. Tomorrow I will assign some tasks for y'all. Go on now.

(End of Scene Two)

SCENE THREE: The First Day

(Cut to: God standing on clouds in front of the sleeping house)

God: Wake up bitches!

(Cut to: Inside of sleeping house)

Eve: Dammit. What the hell does he want?

Vicky: Probably gonna tell us about our stupid tasks.

Jake: Why the hell do we have to do these stupid-ass tasks? I'd rather fall asleep on a bed of tacks.

John: Jake, did you just rhyme?


God (From outside): What the hell is taking you so long?

Eve: Guess we better get out there.

If this ever was a movie, I'm not quite sure how I would respond.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

I Should Never Be An Architect But I Could Totally Be A Product Pitcher

Sorry peeps. I sort of was busy and stuff and stuff. But I'm back! Hellyeah! So I decided if I were to make my own hotel it would be the following:

-Name: "The Suburb Disconnection"
-Slogan / Tagline: "The Hotel That Might Make Your Eyes Bleed Happy"
-Locations: California, New York, Illinois, Nevada, and Jersey just for the hell of it.
-Evidence Of Quality Awesomeness: Every room would have 7 bathrooms, a plasma TV, Blu-Ray DVD player, surround sound, an XBox360, GameCube, PS2, PS3, Wii, etc., and on the main floor there would be a giant pool shaped in the Metallica logo, arcade, gift shop, adults only section which contains bar and dance club, movie theater, and to top it all off, a concert theater for the best musical acts of the time called Bullseye Theater.

It would never happen though. So I would make two new insulting products:

-Name: "Brainwash"
-Purpose: To clean every single cell of your brain
-Multiple Versions: Vanilla and bubblegum
-Provider: Herbal Essences
-Side Effects: It doesn't affect your side as much as it does your head.

Or this one:

-Name: "Psychosuction"
-Purpose: The newest lypo-suction machine that will get it all out in less than 30 minutes
-Multiple Versions: None
-Provider: It will be prescribed by your local doctor
-Side Effects: May cause many to think they can play every Slipknot song on the guitar.

It could happen.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

The Random And Sometimes Ongoing Ramblings Of Sarcasm Joe - Sarah Palin

Where has our world gone when the governor of Alaska is the vice president to a 72-year-old lying sack of crap? Where has the world gone when a huge hurricane is sweeping the country and the republican presidential candidate isn't trying to do anything about it? Where has the world gone when said hurricane is so bad it comes through Illinois and and I'm stuck in Panera Bread on my school laptop using a proxy to blog right now? The answers to these questions are somewhat unknown but it could be caused by one person: GIGANTOR!!! Wait...I mean SARAH PALIN!!! If you haven't seen her interview with ABC yet, you should. It's like the new Hulk movie (retarded and somewhat illiterate). But last night's SNL made me wish Palin was somewhat smart and attractive. Tina Fey was absolutely perfect as Palin, you couldn't even tell the difference between the two. And McCain? Well he's your new favorite retarded cowboy.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Viva La Metallica (Or Death And All His Magnets)

Wow. Just wow. Death Magnetic may just be the greatest if not one of the greatest albums of 2008 so far. A-fucking-mazing. 10 tracks, each 5 minutes+. Which means no crappy 3 and a half minute pop/rap songs. This is real shit. How music should sound. Metallica is back again. Finally. I've been a fan of them for a while, the classics like And Justice For All, Black Album, St. Anger, all the goodies. It seems that Death Magnetic has accomplished my goal for the future: to rape the universe and make shit cool again. Thanks to James Hetfield, Kirk Hammet, Lars Ulrich, and Robert Trujillo, music has a new definition: Death Magnetic. If Zeppelin IV had a 3-way with Scars On Broadway and Rage Against The Machine they would shoot out Death Magnetic. It is poetry. It will make your ears bleed happy. GO OUT AND BUY IT. RIGHT NOW.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

An Apology And Replacement For 9/10, 'Soopa Doopa' Update, And My Piss Bucket Of The Month

So sorry. I do understand yesterday's post was absolutely horrible. It was stupid, but I couldn't think of anything else. And yes, as you can see, I am posting today.

The Replacement Post:

"Time Machine"

I want a fucking time machine. To go into the future when I'm rich, and to go back in time to see badasses like Lincoln and Jesus and to see Grindhouse in the theater again. Wait what?


'Soopa Doopa' Update

The first ever LBDC Pimptastical is going very well. Some sketches that will definitely be in it:

I, RONIC (parody of I, ROBOT)
HAND-ON (A Star Wars tribute to HEAD-ON)

and last but not least, the first ever UNIVERSAL RAPE PISS BUCKET OF THE MONTH!

This Month: 9/11

WARNING: I am about to piss of a lot of frickin people. A lot. It seems that 9/11 has turned into, like, I don't wanna say 'holiday,' more like an abused reason for us to be more protective. And it's all Bush's fault. If Gore was president, 9/11 wouldn't have happened and Bin Laden would be dead. This whole 9/11 remembrance deal... I don't know. I'm not saying it wasn't bad or important. It was horrible and I do think we should do something to commemorate it every once in a while. How about this: If 9/11 is such a big deal, children should get off on this day. If you're gonna take 15 minutes out of our day to sit in silence, request us to wear red white and blue on this day, be super patriotic, just let the schools out for a day. Two days if needed. But that's just me.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Tomorrow's Gonna Be A Weird Day (And This Is Gonna Be A Weird Post)

And I tell you this because I might not be able to do a post tomorrow. I have a lot of stuff to do tomorrow that I need to get done. So besides the news about SDTP (Soopa Doopa The Pimptastical), I also bring you this:

"People Who Hate People That Hate People Who Hate People"

IT MAKES SENSE! I'm sick of all these people rambling on about how they hate people that hate people. But what about the people who hate those people that hate those people? I think they have a say. But there's also the people that hate the people for hating the people who hate people. Those are called "activists" or something like that. Now what's really horrible (and very, very confusing) are the people that hate the people that hate the people for hating the people who hate people. And so on and so on until a group comes around that hates the people for hating the people that hate the people who hate the people who are hating the people that hate people who hate people for hating people who hate people that hate people.

I hate people.

Ladies And Gentleman... Los Brothers De Comico Present SOOPA DOOPA! A PIMPTASTICAL!

And they're not spanish! That's right, me and a friend are gonna start writing some sketches for the web and put it together in one big bang called SOOPA DOOPA! A PIMPTASTICAL by Los Brothers De Comico. More news on the way! Check out their new blog soon!  Yay and stuff! And what is 897?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Police Were Right!

I was at the beach yesterday and found a message in a bottle. Whoa-oh. This is what it said:

My name is Bobthaniel Eburstork, and if you're reading this, I'm probably dead. Or in a spaceship above with Tom Cruise. Stars look so much better up-close. The main reason you are reading this is because enclosed in this bottle, along with this message, is $500 in cash for your pleasure. It was in my pocket before I "disappeared," but that's another story. Somehow you also received a special edition DVD copy of Back To The Future Part III; probably because you're not good enough to watch I & II. If there's a scratch on the disc, it's because my cat stole it and thought it was a diamond. So let's get back to the money thing. Please use it wisely. If I hear you bought a 1980s Casio keyboard from eBay with that money I swear to god I will send you a message explaining to you why that is completely useless to you. You are also not allowed to buy anything with the phrase "Hannah Montana" in it. Unless it's a Hannah Montana screwdriver, Hanna Montana hatchet or the Hannah Bombtana weapons and explosion kit. One more important thing: if you see John, tell him I WILL beat him in chess. He'll know what it means, but you won't, and that's all that matters. Also, if a brick falls on you in about five minutes, it's Tom's fault. I usually don't warn people but I feel it's safe because you don't see too many messages in bottles in 2008. Well I'm probably rambling on now and you probably need help if you're still reading this.

Enjoy life, I can assure you mine is still better

-Bobthaniel J. Ebustork

P.S. You should leave now.
P.P.S. Heads up!

I think his first job was a chimney-sweep.

Monday, September 8, 2008

If Rap Songs Were Grammar Class

So I came up with a few "appropriate" versions of popular rap verses. Enjoy it god dammit! :)

"Milkshake" by Kelis

My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard
And they're like, it's better than yours
Damn right, it's better than yours
I could teach you, but I have to charge

My frozen dairy treat brings all of the male gender to the grassy area in front of my residence.
They say it is superior to yours.
Yes, they are correct. It is superior to yours.
I could share this knowledge with you, but you'd have to pay a fee.

Or how about this one:

"Sexy Back" by Justin Timberlake

I'm bringing sexy back
The other boys don't know how to act
I think it's special what's behind your back
So turn around, I'll pick up the slack

I'm making attractiveness "in" again.
The other members of my gender are not quite sure how to respond.
I am fond of what you are hiding behind you.
So please, turn around and I will gladly take what is there.

Last one (the title isn't even grammatically correct!):

"The Way I Are" by Timbaland

I ain't got no money
I ain't got no car to take you on a date
I can't even buy you flowers
But together we can be the perfect soul mates
Talk to me girl

I'm sorry, but I am out of cash at the moment.
I also do not have a motorized vehicle to take you somewhere.
I'm also sorry to mention I am not able to pick up a bouquet of roses for you.
But if you would be willing to be my significant other we could be ideal together.
And call me when you have a second.

I should send this to my english teacher.